Complete recondition, all new pads, corks & felts, refit the key, refit the tenons, repair bent body and adjust. before: after:
Complete recondition, all new pads, corks & felts, refit the key, refit the tenons, repair bent body and adjust. before: after:
Cork Pads for the upper joint of this clarinet, refit the key, new corks & felts, cleaned up the mouthpiece and adjustments. before: after:
Not a complete repad but this alto needed some pads, the body cleaned, new corks& felts, keys refit and adjustments. before: after:
“Naked Lady” in for some regular maintenance, cleanup a few pads, refit keys and adjust.
minor adjustments on this bari, few sticky pads and adjustments.
Regular maintenance for this clarinet, needed a few pads, refit the keys and adjustments.
Clean and service for this oboe, it needed a few pads, keys refit and some adjustments. before: after:
Recondition of this oboe, all new pads, corks & felts, refit the keys and adjustments. before: after:
pad of this flute, all new pads, refit the keys, new cork & felts, gold plate the lipplate, and adjustments. before: after:
Complete overhaul of this bass, bent neck, refit keys, all new pads, new corks & felts, clean up solder work and adjustments. before: after: